Ample: Reimagining Ecommerce for a Renowned Brand


The Challenge: Finding the Perfect Fit

Ample, the team behind the Imagine Store (Imagine Online Store), is built on a legacy of innovation.  Their hunt of a new ecommerce platform wasn't just about finding a solution, it was about finding a perfect match for their "Think Different" philosophy.

Their existing Spree platform wasn't meeting their needs for scalability and future growth. They needed a platform that was not only robust but also easy to maintain, minimizing the need for ongoing technical intervention.

Why Shopify Plus? Why Marmeto?

-“Since we’re mostly a retail organization, with less tech background we knew early on that we wanted a website that was easy to maintain post-development and would require minimal technical intervention for further developments. Since we were already working with the Omuni team, we shared these requirements with them, and based on their recommendation we first explored Shopify.” says Ravi.

“While Shopify undoubtedly had good reviews we doubted if it’s THE platform that could support all our critical integrations, especially the ones that are required primarily within the Apple Ecosystem,” he added.

Challenges such as custom payment gateways, CRM vendors and other service providers needed to be integrated with Shopify. For an organization that is not a typical ecommerce player but is more omnichannel in nature, these integrations form a critical aspect.

Shopify Plus initially emerged as a strong contender due to its positive reputation and ease of use. But Ample had concerns about integrating critical systems, especially those within the Apple ecosystem.  Challenges like custom payment gateways and CRM integrations needed to be addressed.

Marmeto to the rescue

Our initial discussion with Saurav itself helped us understand the different possibilities in the Shopify ecosystem and once we had clarity on that, we went ahead!” says Ravi.

When asked about what sealed the deal for Marmeto, he added that “Pinelabs is one of the major integrations that we have on our website. Apple to date works only with Pinelabs but unfortunately, Pinelabs doesn’t have a ready integration with Shopify. Hence getting an affirmative response on the possibility of this solution became critical for us before taking the leap to Shopify. Marmeto's "can-do" attitude sealed the deal for Ample.

Design and Development Journey

Apple's brand identity is a cornerstone of their success—innovative yet human-centric. While Ample had existing design references from the Imagine Store and Apple websites, this project presented a unique challenge.

"This was a different journey," says Marmeto Co-founder Saurav. "Typically, we finalize designs before development. But in this case, we worked on design and functionality in parallel. We had multiple reference points owing to Apple’s massive presence and strong and cohesive branding. This was a unique and thrilling experience for us!"

Ravi added, “Only one page came from an external agency. However, all other pages were designed by the Marmeto team, putting functionality first. It was a very synchronized effort where we covered both grounds.”


Integration Expertise


One of the most challenging and significant aspects of this project was the sheer number of integrations required. From CRM and marketing automation to payment gateways, each integration needed to meet Apple's high standards for quality and execution.

Ravi, Manager of Ecommerce at Ample, acknowledges the Marmeto team's expertise: "The Marmeto team handled everything from CRM to Capillary integration, Pinelabs, and even smaller details. Prabhat and Saurav directly managed most of the project, and the entire team delivered flawlessly."

A Collaborative Journey

The project has been an ongoing adventure for both Marmeto and Ample, now nearing eight months. "We've faced challenges from a business perspective and a technology perspective, but Marmeto has always been there to support us," says Ravi. He adds, “Despite the SOPs and processes, the team is quite accommodating towards our asks and requests as well. This is quite a positive trait.”

Looking Forward - A Shared Vision

With the first phase successfully completed, both teams are eager for the next stage. Ravi anticipates a growing trend of tech brands prioritizing digital experiences, and he sees a strong future for the Ample-Marmeto partnership.

"We have a lot more coming up," Ravi concludes. "You guys have made a great start, and it's been fantastic working with such an awesome team!"

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