Millennials: Breaking Barriers and Redefining Success

While working in an ecommerce company, it never ceased to amaze me how merchants were pulling their ecommerce wheel in the absence of right tools. I was definitely a little apprehensive of the pain point of the e-commerce industry. This feeling sowed the seed of Marmeto in thoughts and made me quit my 9 to 5 job.

I was confident of the logic and teamed up with two of my college friends, who I believed to have the right vision in technology. We knew, to give shape to this thought, we would need millennials full of passion and dedication.

Soon some young bunch of people on-boarded us who were entitled to lesser set of responsibilities that helped us to kick start our new venture. We all were in the same zone and that gave fuel to Marmeto.

The millennials or the young coders soon started firing cannonballs and made the baseline of Marmeto strong. Although staying motivated was a tough job at times, we kept setting small examples for each other to keep the spirits high.

It was important for us to find value in small things. The reflexes were fast in young blood. But that was not a limit. Without improving, we couldn’t expect to build a better world of technology. On that note, each of us worked for self-improvement and, at the same time, shared a common goal of helping those to whom we can be most useful.

We began to intellectually discard some of the delusionally influenced lines of thinking. The end of thoughts, was a beginning for us. Young coders started thinking, when others stopped thinking, and developed first solutions for ecommerce.

Belief Is the Greatest Strength

There was a time when our core members left us, and we found ourselves in a delicate juncture. Great things and disasters were on and off every day. We operated in high pressure situations – it was a challenge to keep people chill and motivated, which was not easy at all. But we stood strong together and proved our mettle time and again. A new tech talent was being built despite all odds.

Don’t Just Think Big

There is no end to inventions. We wanted to solve problems through innovation and made solutions, by thinking on those untouched lines. Innovation doesn’t mean breaking the internet, even the small innovations that bring a difference in the life of the people has great value. We wanted to build, and started with only 14k in 2016. And we closed the year 2019 with $million.

Success Is Nothing but a Mirage

Success is a state of mind, a stage of life. We cannot define it nor do we try to. For us it is kind of a mirage, it gets out of sight, when you approach it. We compete with ourselves, so we have no competitors.

The fresh and young minds who had no exposure to money and material things, started with the smallest of things at a faster pace and then jumped to the bigger problems. They had one thing in common, the quest to achieve big. The millennials already had the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas, we just bent the arc of their potential.

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