Slurrp Farm, crafting the PLUS experience for healthy kids!

“I think it's rare to find an agency that delivers exactly what they say they will, and really cares for the customer along the journey. Marmeto does both. On occasion, they go above and beyond while prioritizing their customer!” says Shauravi Malik, Co-Founder, Slurrp Farm


The idea of Slurrp Farm was conceived when the two friends identified the gap of healthy eating options in the children's food market in India. They realized that most supermarket shelves only stocked products made with wheat or rice for children. These contained trans fats and alarming quantities of sugar which meant that they were not exactly a healthy option. When they failed to find high-quality packaged food for their children, the mother duo of Shauravi Malik and Meghana Narayan decided to follow a business idea close to their heart.

What started as an experiment in their home kitchens in 2016 is now an Omnichannel brand retailing online and offline in India and the UAE while expanding to USA and UK through marketplaces like Amazon.

Shauravi Malik talks to us about their experience with building Slurrp Farm and their continued association with Marmeto along their Shopify to Shopify Plus journey.


The Slurrp Farm website was conceptualized by our design partner 
Iterator and developed by Marmeto.


Talking about early market adoption, Shauravi says that “Our initial sales channels were primarily offline stores. We were also early adopters of all the marketplaces. Since day one, we were very aware that BigBasket, Amazon etc are the kind of platforms that we need to have a presence on. We had a static website from the beginning, however, the first time we sold on our ecommerce website (online store) was right before the pandemic, around December 2019. We started our ecommerce business on Shopify from day 01. Luckily, since we didn’t come with conventional tech and IT experience or baggage, we didn’t treat our website like a giant undertaking that would require a 50 people team to cater to. Our initial approach with Shopify was more DIY, and even at this point, having transitioned to Shopify Plus, most of the day-to-day website operations on Shopify can be handled independently by our team!”

Adding to it, she says, “because we were on Amazon from day one, geographically, our expansion was more driven by demand on these platforms. I would say, in most cities, bigger and smaller towns, everyone showed us some level of acceptance. India is consuming, and early adopters for us span across the board.” 


Pre-covid, Slurrp Farm’s revenue split was 50-50 between online and offline. Post Covid however, over 95% of Slurrp Farm’s sales can be attributed to online sales channels. Currently in the FMCG market, with marketplaces like Big Basket and Amazon Pantry taking the lion’s share, Shauravi emphasizes the need of an owned platform (a website) for brands. 

She says that “It’s 200% vital for brands like us to have a website. Your website is often the first portal of recall for a brand. Especially for FMCG brands, the first couple of times the customers might buy products from your website but post that, you as a brand need to be visible and available on their grocery portals. Having said that, one can’t undermine the importance of giving your customer the brand experience on your website, especially as you start outreach campaigns with awareness and acquisition goals. The website is where you can chat with your customers, educate them, update them on new product launches etc. Especially in this segment where repeat customers account for 25-40% for most brands, it’s important to establish a presence and cover all grounds of the online sales channels.” 


Recollecting the very first interaction that Shauravi had with our team, she said, “As human beings, when we first interact with someone, we either form trust and get a good vibe or we don’t. When I first spoke to Saurav, there were a couple of little things that helped me trust him and Marmeto as a tea. The way the team works, the transparency with which Saurav communicates is what sets you apart. Coupled with the fact that Marmeto came as a highly referred tech partner from within the industry, the decision to eventually go ahead with Marmeto was quite easy”.



Adding further to Slurrp Farm’s experience so far, Shauravi says this about their experience-

“Shopify is not rocket science. In that realm of tech, what you need is someone who knows what they’re doing, and delivers what they say on time. Marmeto does this in spades! Adding to these basics with a lovely experience created by a positive team and strong processes.”

In 2021, Slurrp Farm joined the Shopify Plus force of brands! On their Plus experience so far, Shauravi says “One of our major reasons for moving to Shopify Plus, is that our checkout experience is much stronger now. We can now customize a lot of our user journeys and that’s a great feature. Tweaks in our checkout flow have also increased our conversion rates. However, the bar keeps shifting, and now we’re looking forward to how we can innovate further on Shopify Plus, especially with progressive web apps for the next stage of commerce and storytelling.” 

Since Slurrp Farm became a part of the Shopify Plus family, we’ve created multiple solutions for their websites, some of which include:

This duo of mothers and the inspiring team that’s leading the way for a healthy way of life for kids, are successfully retailing across India and UAE on their website as well as other online and offline sales channels. We’re excitedly looking forward to the go-live of their US & UK Shopify Plus stores in the months to come. We’re grateful as this brand with a vision takes its leap towards global expansion! 

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